Are you interested in how to make kvass? The traditional Russian fermented drink intrigues many with its ingredients: bread, water, yeast. With its tangy flavor and unique color, this beverage holds a special place in the drink creation world.
As a brewer I am always fascinated with traditional style beverages. Whether that is Russian Kvass, Mexican Tepache, or Napa Valley Cabernet’s, each drink holds a special place in the world of fermentation.
And, honestly, this beverage is the easiest fermented drink I ever made (and I have made a ton!).
You will learn what is kvass and it’s traditional Russian background, how to make kvass, and the fermentation process of kvass (which is what makes it so special), and kvass benefits.
This post is all about how to make kvass.
Traditional Russian Kvass | How to Make Kvass
Kvass has longed been adored by Eastern Europe nations.
It is unclear when the first recipe was created, but the first mention of traditional kvass was in 1,000 AD by a Christian Monk in the book “Tale of the Bygone Years”.
The winding history of this unique drink has shaped Russian culture, and created a beautiful fermented beverage we can add to our list of swoon-worthy fermented drinks.
What is Kvass?
Kvass, the Slavic drink, does not sit in a specific drink category.
During the process of fermentation, you boil water with your ingredients, much like you do beer, so it could be considered a style of beer. But, truly, it stands alone.
The Google definition is, “a fermented drink, low in alcohol, made from rye flour or bread with malt.”
Sounds like beer to me!
Though, the beauty of this wonderful beverage is the wide variety of different interpretations. You can make it sour, you can make it sweet, you can make it savory, etc etc etc.
Additionally, traditional kvass is low in alcohol, usually between 0.5% – 2% ABV and is not carbonated. So think of it like a slightly alcoholic bread tea.
Popular Variations of the Recipe
Traditionally, Russian kvass was bread, water, yeast. Makers at home, most likely, added variations in flavor, but ultimately this was the recipe.
Now, we have beet kvass, mint kvass, sweet potato kvass, and more!
In Eastern Europe, the recipe used usually reflected the ingredients people had on hand. You can explore the various styles of this drink. Even try various herbs and spices like rosemary, oregano, holy basil, and even hops.
The other popular variations are:
- Beet/vegetable kvass
- Fruit kvass
- Herb kvass
- Honey kvass
- Hopped kvass
Health Benefits | Kvass Benefits
When this wonder drink was founded in Russia back in 1,000 AD, it was revered for its health benefits.
Brewing this Russian drink means boiling the water. Back in 1,000 AD the water usually had bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. Therefore, brewing kvass actually was healthier for these people.
Peasants were mostly the ones who needed the clean water, so kvass was a perfect solution.
Beet kvass, more specifically, is known for its detoxification properties. The beets help the liver detoxify, helps prevent cancer, and fights disease.
Now, fermented drinks for gut health studies show us that the microbes in various fermented drinks contribute to the microbiome in our digestive tract. Which actually does help ward off disease and keep our microbiome happy.
Along with that, added fruits, vegetables, and other herbs in these recipes will add more nutritional value to your brew.
7 Revolutionary Moments Kvass Shaped Eastern Europe
1. Back in 1,000 AD, clean water was hard to come by. Brewing traditional kvass means heating up the water so ultimately it killed bacteria and viruses.
2. In 1,400 AD Prince Yuri created a monastery and soon after the monks started brewing up this drink. It was known to be the best in the world.
3. The Christian Monk who wrote “Tale of the Bygone Years” mentioned how kvass must be distributed by the king to the people in barrels. It was referred to as “alive” and was honored by the monastery.
4. It was to be drank breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Once a kid was able to drink from a glass, they were drinking kvass. Especially, due to the healing beliefs of this Godly juice!
5. Kvass was sold by street vendors and was widely available. During the Cold War, Communist Russia attempted to mass produce their Kvass and failed miserably. Then, when Communism fell, so did traditional kvass.
It was no longer sold on the streets due to heavy regulations and the cost of making great traditional kvass sky rocketed. Traditional kvass disappeared around 1992.
6. When it returned, commercial kvass makers had to cut corners to turn a profit. That included adding preservatives, using fruit concentrates, etc.
The commercializing of this drink displaced the fans of the true kvass recipe.
7. In 2001, they started to share this beverage with the public and people began to get their hands on this recipe. To this day, people are still on the hunt for traditional homemade kvass that tastes like the recipes from 1,000 AD.
How To Make Kvass | Traditional Russian Style
My kvass recipe uses lemons for a bit of bitterness and raisins for added fermentable sugars. Option to use more raisins and less added sugar. All depends if you like sweet or tart drinks!

What ingredients you need for this recipe:
- 1/4 cup raisins
- 1 loaf rye bread, sourdough, or pumpernickel (or a mixture of all!)
- Commercial yeast or wild yeast
- 1/4 cup organic cane sugar, or brown sugar
- 1 gallon of spring water
- 2 lemons
What equipment you need for this recipe:
- Boiling pot
- 1 gallon fermenter, or open mouthed fermenter
- Strainer or cheesecloth
- Flip top bottles
- Thermometer
- Baking pan
- Optional: hydrometer & funnel
RELATED POST: How to Use a Hydrometer in 5 Easy Steps
Step-By-Step Guide to Making Kvass
1. Collect all your ingredients and equipment.
2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Slice and dice your bread and place on the baking sheet. Dry the bread which usually takes about 20-30 minutes.
3. Once bread is dried, place the bread, and raisins in the pot and cover with water.
4. Bring water to 170F, stir contents, cover and turn off the heat. Let this sit for 1-3 hours.
5. Allow the mixture to cool to 70-80F. Then, using the strainer strain the mixture into your fermenter.
6. Add the yeast and sugar to the fermenter. Fermentation happens rather quickly, anywhere from a couple hours to a day or two.
If you are using a wild yeast starter the fermentation will take a day or two to get foamy and bubbly. Make sure to not over inoculate the mixture because you do NOT want your bottles to explode from overly active fermentation.
7. When you see a layer of bubbles you can strain again (option) and then pour into your bottles!
8. Option to add more raisins into the bottles for additional flavor.
9. Leave the bottles at room temperature for 1 day, then place in the fridge.
Traditionally the drink is not carbonated, so you could even drink it immediately after fermentation is complete (6-24 hours). However, if you enjoy effervescence then bottle condition yours for best results!
Keep in mind, depending on the temperature where you store your bottles they could carbonate faster or slower than 24 hours. I left mine outside in 47 degree weather and they were ready in 12 hours!
This post was all about how to make kvass.
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